About Us
We believe that men, women and children alike deserve a chemical-free, natural and organic lifestyle on an ongoing basis. Our body perpetually defines our personality, and it deserves to be taken care of, nurtured and cherished. Just like a mother desires the best for its child, we harness the idea by delivering our clients the missing piece of the puzzle to an optimistic and self-embracing view of life.
As demand for organic produce grows, the necessity of ensuring an improved diet reflects on the restoration and rejuvenation of our skin. By providing nutritious minerals and chemical-free ingredients, our skin replenishes and transforms to become energetic and healthy thus fulfilling our aspiration of skin perfection.
Herbal Home Boutique is delighted to offer a head to toe solution for an overhaul of natural beauty and salubrious skin care. Our branded, hand-made products have been cautiously crafted from deep extractions of oils and minerals from specific plants and herbs, excluding any harmful substances that may cause adverse effects to the skin as opposed to regular commercial beauty products.
Each of our unconditionally toxic-free products, emit a personal fragrance to suit any individual preference and create a personal, inseparable life-long connection. Due to a wide variation of items, each carries a unique characteristic designed for any part of the body and is set to attain the mutual commitment of nourishing and vitalizing the skin to perfection.
Children, women and men unceasingly converse from the daily absorption of chemical-filled, synthetic and potentially detrimental beauty products to more natural and environmentally friendly items to emerge into a healthier and enlightened style of life using Herbal Home Boutique as a guide.
We encourage change, for thebrilliance of life.
Yours faithfully, Urban Mandarin